Monday, January 31, 2011

Zhaoyi Wang-- Job Ad Analysis

1, Daiwa Securities Group Inc. is one of the biggest financing company in Japan. Also, it is the only private company doing microfinance investment in Japan. The company stresses the effect and eagerness of its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and microfinance bond is a part of their CSR.

2, URL for the company (

The basic foundation of the company is that finding out the possibility of the future through financing. Maybe we can see the similar sentence in the other companies website, however, the point I was attracted is the target of their investment is not only the historical financing world, but the field that other companies never think it could become a “business”. Microfinance bond or vaccine bond are the examples.

3, According to the advertisement, the job is concerning about asset evaluation. Therefore, I think I can stress that I took many finance course at Purdue. Besides, they have huge amount of branches overseas, for example London, Paris, New York, and Shanghai. Every employees are required to stay in the branches overseas for at least one year, so language skills might be included in the resume and cover letter.

4, They are seeking someone who has high motivation for financing and financial knowledge or language skills are desirable. However, they do not assume all applicants have finance skills because they will hold seminars for new coming employees to get the basics of financing. Therefore, in my opinion, the most important point they desire is the eagerness for the job.

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