Monday, April 4, 2011

Project Three: Multimedia Presentation

For this two-person assignment, you are being asked to prepare and present a five-minute presentation for a new business, product, or service that you might launch in another country (anywhere but the US). You will pitch your idea to the entire class, including your instructor, describing your business idea, its potential market, its advantages, projected profits, and your own qualifications as entrepreneurs.

In order to pitch the strongest idea possible, you will be reinforcing your initial business idea with some preliminary market research designed to help you answer tough questions and eventually produce a stronger pitch. The research I will ask you to do falls into two categories: market analysis and advertising strategy, or a description of the existing market, and a plan for your own success in that field.

Initial Pitch (Deliverable One)
This is a 250-300 word blog post detailing your idea for a new business project (product or service). In this post, you should try to answer as many potential questions as you can, while still remaining brief and to the point.Title this post "(your username) Deliverable One"

Preliminary Research Document (Deliverable Two)
This is a 500-750 word memo posted to the blog that asks you to conduct research into the field you are thinking about entering. Looking at your initial pitch, what sorts of questions might potential investors, partners, and employees have before they feel comfortable coming on board? What areas will you need to focus on in order to make your idea successful? What can looking at the competition tell you?

The document should contain both market analysis and marketing strategy. Try thinking about these questions:

Market Analysis:
  • Defining Target Market, Market Size, etc.

  • Analyzing your Industry, its participants, your market, and market trends

  • History of the industry or market

  • What need or demand your company fills

  • The current and prospective buyers of your company’s products or services

  • What type of buyers of your company’s products or services (“brand-conscious” buyers, impulse buyers, window shoppers, bargain shoppers)?

  • What motivates customers to buy?

  • Relevant demographic profile: income, gender, occupation, marital status, ethnicity, education?
Location of target market: live, work, play, etc.

  • Unique opportunities for additional differentiation of your business…technology, positioning, or segmentation

  • Your value proposition

  • Forces, trends, and market potential of your industry that supports your business objectives

  • Cite some experts, market research firms, trade associations, government agencies, or other credible sources

  • Significant statistics for your industry: revenue size, number of businesses, units sold, employment figures

  • Principle distribution/sales channels for your business

  • Patterns and trends of your industry (growing, leveling off, shrinking)

  • Factors that influence growth or decline in your industry

  • Changes in demographics, consumer taste, or needs for your industry

Marketing Strategy
  • How you plan to make customers aware of your product or service

  • What message you are trying to convey to customers about your product, service, or company

  • Specific methods you will use to deliver and reinforce that message

  • The EXACT cost of these methods (how much does a magazine ad cost? A tv spot? A radio ad?)

  • What messages will you give customers to motivate them to purchase your product or service:

  • If you plan on word of mouth, how will it spread?

  • How you will describe your unique selling position in a one or two line catchy phrase or slogan

  • How much money will you dedicate to advertising and promotion in the first, second, third years?

Multimedia Presentation (Deliverable Three)
May use any presentation technology you choose.

Timer will stop at five minutes.

Some areas of discussion include:
 Your product or service
; Your market and its size
; How you plan to make money
; leadership team
; Your competitive advantage
; Your qualifications
; What you need to get the business started (how much money are you asking for?)

Rules of the Presentation:
  • All class members must present,

  • Any student not present on the day of the Elevator Pitch competition cannot make up the assignment for any reason.

What I'm Looking For:
  • Professionalism: Is the student well-dressed, speaking articulately and professionally, building a strong ethos, and demonstrating an understanding of their chosen business area in the allotted time without too much reliance on distracting notes?

  • Enthusiasm: Does the student reflect enthusiasm for their project that attracts attention and creates interest in their proposed business?

  • Information: Does the student concisely but comprehensively include all relevant information, including business description, potential market, competitive advantage, profit potential, leadership qualifications, and requests from investors?

Project Breakdown
Deliverable 1) Initial Written Pitch: 25%
Deliverable 2) Preliminary Research Document: 25%
Deliverable 3) Final Presentation to Class: 50%

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