Thursday, January 20, 2011

Seong Taek Kim-Job market research

1. Rather than looking into jobs that promises fabulous salaries, I looked into interns or assistant jobs that grants me practical experiences and knowledge for the later use. What I intend to accomplish with the jobs is to be trained so that I will be prepared to go for the business on my own (details not planned yet). Therefore, I looked for the jobs not only related to my college major (Financial Counceling and Planning), but also the jobs that I think I will learn something to benefit my future business such as working life experiences or practical business handlings etc.. Having mentioned it, of the 4 jobs I have come up with, there are two for the local and two for the international jobs. Since all the jobs I have chosen are interns and assisting jobs, there are not a lot of differences to be noticed between the US and Korea ( I am Korean myself by the way). However the US pays so much higher than Korea. The local jobs (US) promised $12 and $15 per an hour whereas the jobs Korea offers is about $5 or $6 per an hour. It is noticiable that the US jobs pays double as compared to the jobs offered in Korea. And lastly, all the jobs I have chosem requires college level degrees.

2. I do see that the jobs offered in Korea promises four insurances (national pensions, health, annuity, and insurance against insurances) and they provide lunch onve a day during the workhours. I do not see the detailed compensation packages of the local (US) jobs on the webpages.

3. It appears that no matter where you work, all the companies tell the candidates to be full of enthusiasm. All the workers are to have fun with what they do. However it was little shocking to me to find out on Korean jobs ads, they say that individuals with sense of humor are appreciated. And lastly, like any other companies, candinates are to be good at excels.

job ad 1

job ad 2

job ad 3

job ad 4

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