Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ji Hyun- Response 02

Both articles talk about how recruiters evaluate the resume and give detailed information about how the resume should look like. However, after reading these articles I have a brief idea about how I should prepare my resume. For example, what I should include and where I should pay more attention to. I have heard many times how to build the resume but what was different about these articles was that these tell us about a good resume in recruiters' point of view. I agree with some of the parts but some are not. One of the article was saying that the working experience is the heart of the resume. I once again realized how important working experience is. Moreover, it was a good tip to know that we can include experience which does not related to the job that we are applying to because we can learn from any job. It was interesting to know that recruiters can google candidate's name to find more about him or her. On the other hand, I was shocked about how much time the recruiter spends on one resume. Compare to the time candidates spent on a resume 30 seconds seems too short. However, after reading these articles now I know how I should build my resume to look professional and also different from the others.

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