Monday, January 24, 2011

Yae Sam Song - Job Market Research

Before I explain all the minimum requirements and the intellectual material I have to take to get the job that I want to, I would like to introduce my future career. I am a diligent student, born in South Korea, majoring in General Health Sciences with the concentration in pre-dentistry. At the moment, I am in a dilemma of switching my concentration to pre-medicine because my dream is to become a doctor in the field of medicine not in dentistry. However, the reason I chose pre-dentistry was because I am an international student. The medical schools in the United States are limiting the number of international applicants to be accepted, where as the dental schools are more lenient in accepting international students. It seems to be the case that other medical schools in other countries limit the number of international students as well.

Jobs in USA
Medical Doctor

Jobs in UK
Medical Director
Consultant ENT Surgeon

1. The job that I have selected in the US job market is in the field of medicine. One is a medical doctor and the other one is a cardiologist. As both jobs need to be cautious, as they are both dealing with other human body, experience of at least five years is mandatory. Another similarity was that both required a high level of education to be accomplished. In order to get the job, they both needed a MD in medicine and additional degrees in other areas that deal with medicine. I have researched the same job in United Kingdom and they had similar basic requirements. The jobs that I looked up were a medical director and an ENT surgeon. They also required a medical degree and few years of experience in the field of medicine. Another similarity was that most of the jobs did not have a specific value of salary for the job. As bonuses and incentives could be added for the amount of work that one has done, money seems to be quite flexible every year. The last similarity I found was that job descriptions in both countries were very detailed, as they have to select the best candidate who meets all of their wants and needs. There was almost no difference between the two countries, but one small difference I found was that job descriptions in the UK websites were a lot more detailed and thorough, where as the ones in the USA just outlined the basic requirements.

2. The compensation packages also do not differ a lot between the two countries’ job markets. The minimum compensation in both countries seems to be the coverage of full health insurance, dental insurance, and few weeks of vacation every year. There is a list of compensation packages for both jobs in the USA, but only one is stated in the UK job market. By examining the job advertisements, we can infer that the compensation seem to be quite flexible and can be negotiable with the employer. One thing to note is that the salary in the UK is a little bit lower than in the US’ job market. The first year’s salary a cardiologist gets is 245,000 dollars, where as a medical director in the UK only gets 150,000 to 225,000 pounds, which is equivalent to 240,000 to 360,000 dollars.

3. The medical director job in the UK did not give a URL or the name of the company for me to research. Only the job search website was linked to the jobs. The other three jobs all had information about their company. The companies in the two countries were very different. The companies in the US employed candidates for other businesses. They are a company that finds the perfect candidate for other businesses in need of employees. However, the company in the UK was a specialized health care company that provides training for doctors and people in the field of medicine. After the training, they send out these trained practitioners to care homes, nursing agencies, hospitals, and other different areas related to health care.

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