Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Seong Taek Kim- Response to the articles

The both articles elaborate how candidates should have resumes ready so that the employers will have a second look at your resume. Most resumes are skimmed through and many in resumes are skipped while being read. So the both articles suggest that the candidates should appeal themselves by being outstanding (different) and tell stories about who and what you are with familar tone of voice. This is the general issue the both articles talk about. However what surprised me during the whole time reading the ariticles was that there are more employers who do not usually or even not at all pay close attention to the education histories. What they really seem to want to know is whether the candidates have the appropriate skills or not, and whether they have the proper work experience or not. It seems that skills and experiences are valued far more than the proof of education level. It appears that the work experience is the best story to tell and the best way to reach the employers and present yourself. This is what caught me the most "I've found over years of hiring that a name brand university biases my opinion too early...... but I've made just as many bad hires as from these colleges as great ones". This line clearly struck my mind. After reading the articles, I put myself on the employers' shoes and asked myself, who or what kind of person would I look to hire? Does the hold of a degree from best colleges guarantee the proper skills and knowledges to help accomplish goals? Or would I feel more secured with workers with 5 years of experience? I agree that the latter is more reliable answer. I have always thought that I would learn so much more when I am involved in working life. I strongly believe that the experience is the key to fully acquire skills. Now that I have a little idea of how my resume is going to look to impress employers. Simplely saying, it is the moderate emphasis on the skills and work experiences and the use of frinedly tone to reach the viewers. But what am I to do with the resume when I do not have yet work experience? I will have my intern done during the summer but is the little experience enough to impress employers? Or is there any ways I can draw the viewers' attention by mentioning my future Purdue degree? Is my GPA the only key to help make my degree impressive? Does the tendency of preferring work experience to the education history only happen in the US? What about my home country Korea? I have just realized that there are so much more to think and consider on the resume than I ever thought. I can't even have a firm answer to any of the questions on my mind. There are so much to be answered before I go to my resume.

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