Thursday, January 13, 2011

Assignment for Tuesday, January 16

Please read "Why Is Business Writing So Awful?" by Jason Fried. The article describes business writing practices that the author feels produce boring or unclear writing. In this course, we'll be focusing on addressing these two concerns.

To that end, have a look at this annual report by Warren Buffet, a well known investor. We will only be discussing the first three sections, "To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.," "How We measure Ourselves," and "What We Don't Do." I'm providing this as an example of effective writing, but if you feel differently about it, that's perfectly valid.

Then, send an email to me at that includes a short passage from the Berkshire report, and a brief explanation of why you feel that passage reflects effective writing, or "awful" writing. Altogether, this email should run 250 words or less.

You will then receive an email from me inviting you to join this website at some point before class.

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