Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Zulkernine - Response 04

I have chosen the article on Jason Shugar who worked at Google. He later went on to become director of ad operations for the music streaming website Imeem. I was very surprised when I found out that Mr. Shugar wrote a light hearted farewell message to his employer when he came to know that he is about to be fired. His new position at the ad agency was not very lucrative according to my perspective compare to the old job. His gesture towards his boss impressed me immensely. By reading through the entire article I became acquainted with the fact that people degrades their boss when they are asked to leave their respective job. In this modern era of technology people go on to expose their employer’s image by blogging many bad comments about their employer. Some even go onto write abusive words directly to their boss’s face. There are many instances when people express many unspoken complaints or demands to their employer’s in their farewell message. If someone worked in a company for a long time and suddenly asked to leave, it is certain that the person would express his disappointment to the CEO or Chairman in a harsh manner. I think one should be professional and bold enough to hold one’s self respect and write their farewell letter in a polite manner. In conclusion I would like to state that depending on a given situation and nature of the employee, the farewell letter should not be taken as a grudge against the employer as Jason Shugar did.

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