Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kwanbin Lim - Response 4

These days, emails are crucial method to communicate with others. Emails are very convenient way to communicate. Emails are used in schools, businesses, and more. Through emails people share different information or announce important announcements in most of the businesses. Also, emails are convenient to use because when people share information verbally they can miss important information or forget but if we use email, we could double check or contain all the information.

Article number 2 caught my attention because this article showed me that one e-mail can ruin one company. Chief executive sent an email to his employees about their work attitude. Up to here, it’s nothing, because executive could send emails to employees but Cener Corporation chief executive made a huge mistake. He sent an email with disrespectful way.

In my major, professors always talk about how everything should be formal. My resume should be formal, outfit has to be formal, all the verbal communication should be formal, but why not email? Since, it is very common to communicate through emails; people sometimes forget that emails are one of the method of communication.

This chief executive from Cerner Corporation wrote an email disrespectfully to his employees. It caused a huge drop on their stock price. He did not seem considering other people’s feelings or their perspectives. One wrong communication skill brought the whole group down. This case was a perfect example showing that how communication skills are crucial in businesses and that emails are one of the method of communication not just simple writing.

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