Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yerzhan Konysbayev- response 04

First of all, I would like to say that this article (about Cerner Company) was very useful to read, since if I will be an employer one day, I won’t use my e-mails to yell at my employees. I will try to use a phone or do it personally. Secondly, the way the CEO communicated with his employees didn’t shock me at all. I even think that this is a normal way of criticizing employees. In my country, bosses are much more severe with their employees. Let‘s say I was expecting much more angry letter than that. I also feel sorry for the CEO whose company’s stock prices lost around 22 percent in price; I think he was just doing his job. I find it unethical posting any kind of letters on internet indicating the identity of sender. From the letter it seems obvious that many of the employees are not that hard-working as it was expected from CEO.

Personally, I don’t have much experience with angry letters. However, I was a witness once. There was this political issue discussion on one of the social networks I am a member of. I wrote couple of sentences, that is why I could see further discussions people wrote. I noticed two people politely disagree with each other (that’s how it started). After some time, they began to say words like “stupid”, “fool” to each other. This stage was going on for a while. After that, they started to swear at each other badly; political issue that was initially discussed was no longer a main topic. One was bragging like “I help orphans, regularly visit seniors and what do you do?”, then one started to threaten the other saying “If I see you somewhere, I will kick your ***”, as a response, the other one provided his home address and cell phone number, saying that he was ready to meet and fight. That discussion was funny.

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