Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Swipe File

In the comments section of this post, list your three example resumes, along with short one- or two-sentence descriptions of what you think is good or bad about those resumes.



    -I like the way she displays her job title on top of everything, clear and noticeable.

    -This resume for me is quite fancy yet simple.

    -This resume uses a lot of line partitions but I think it makes the resume looks well organized.


    This is a resume of a physicist who has had a lot of experience in the field of research. This is a good example because the structure and organization of this resume is efficient. There are no examples of unnecessary examples and it has indentations to distinguish the experiences. One thing that could be improved on is to emphasize the name as the name does not differentiate itself with the other information listed.

    The first example in this website is a bad resume because nothing stands out. There is no impact that differentiates an important from a non important point. Its structure is clearly chaotic, which is one of the major reasons making this resume a bad example. The format itself does not seem like a resume. Thus, it is more like a paper that exposes this persons weakness and limitations.

    There are bad and good things to note in this resume. The good thing is that it has a proper structure that distinguishes one point from another. However, the bad part of this resume is that this person uses too much bold in education part that it becomes a little difficult to reading it. It is good to use bold to emphasize a certain point, but too much bold is not good.

    This resume is clear and emphasized the person's name and qualification a lot. However, I think the person needs to shorten some concepts in the Qualifications summary as they are not as important as the applicant's personal experience. The recruiter do not need to be told what they are looking for. In addition, the resume is missing the person's email, which I think is pretty important.
    This resume is a bad example because I think the profile is too long and quite useless. The related experience, especially the second one is weakly written and needs improvement. Even the honors and activities need some help in wording. I don't see just "living in a Japanese family for a year" as an activity worth mentioning without indicating who held the program and what's the intention of the program. Is it a study abroad or an internship or just for fun?
    I really like the use of color in this resume. It is not disturbing and is a standout. However, I would prefer not to include a picture as it will be distracting. Overall, I think this is a pretty good resume with good bullet points, but I do suggest simplifying and reducing the amount of bullet points. Just pick the ones that are really important. I feel that there are just too much information and text. Last of all, I think that for college students, it is best for us to keep the EDUCATION and HONORS column. This person is an cosmetic nurse which is in a different situation from us, that's why she doesn't have one.

  4. Resume 1:

    This sample looks professional. As an actuary, exams and licenses are the most important criteria for market prospect. The way the writer put these two between the thick horizontal lines emphasizes her qualification for the position. In the career experience part, the writer put in the format where it explained the job task and followed by the task or achievement when holding the positions.

    Resume 2:

    The experience summary is somewhat not really reliable without giving any valid or credible source. The format of this sample is not really coherent.

    Resume 3:

    One fact I like about this resume is that it bolded his expertise/skill in his professional experience part. The way writer put the applicant's contact info at the top is readable and appropriate.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    This resume is well organized, but too much description for each work experiences.

    It is a good example. Well organized and easy to read through. Work experience part was well described.

    This resume is a bad example. Too much use of all caps which make it hard to skim through.

  7. 1.

    this is the typical resume form for actuary. resume in this website can be the template of my resume. I try to follow this formation. but since I have no strong experience as the people who wrote this resume, I think it is better idea to emphasize other parts instead of work experience and profile parts.


    Like the first sample, this is concise professional actuary's resume. There are two things I want to talk about. first, this person wrote education part in the bottom of the resume. second, there is no exams and licenses section on the resume. I think this is because if one person has enough experience, license and education part is no longer needed. but education and license parts are crucial for me.


    this is the entry level actuary's resume. I think this person should write more specifically for each part. Formation of this resume is very much same as my resume. the person who wrote this resume also mentioned what relevant courses he/she took in college. I am still thinking about writing the courses I took in purdue.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    This resume is organized and clear. There are no unnecessary words, while the significant information, such as work experience, is detailed and well stated.
    This resume is designed beautifully, especially for the title and personal information. If she could add a part named “honors and awards”, it would be more attracted to the employer.
    It can be seen that the author put a lot effort to this resume. I really like its layout. There is not much blank space. However, I think that there is no need to write too much personal information such as DOB, interests, and hobbies, on the resume.

  11. (Yu Gu)
    This resume is very drict forward, and clear.
    This resume highlights the posations the person had. It is a great way to highlight the persons experence.
    This resume has a very creative but porfessional design.

    This resume is focused on supply chain management. I like the formatting, where he divided professional experience in the right column and the rest of the information on the left. Different from traditional or typical resume, but looks clear and professional.
    Truly unprofessional resume. Other than bolding the categories, there are no such use of highlight to emphasize such information. And it has too brief explanation for most part.
    This resume do not have information that most of other resumes has (such as education, and skills). The professional experience takes huge place on the resume. This is probably because the resume is targetted for high position in such industry, hence education and gpa is not necessary.

    This one comes from a student whose major is accounting major and with some internship experiences. The structure is easy to follow. Also easy to find out the main information
    I think the format for this one is very practical.It highlights all the main points that the student want to present.
    I choose this one since that student also put his minors into the resume. Lots of us also has miors, so this one maybe a good example.

    This resume looks like a person is trying to another company from current job, it elaborates details of current job descriptions, whereas Education section is comparably brief.
    small titles are too highlighted. inconsistency with bulletproof use.
    I personally like this one a lot. Format is simple, and easy to find information at glance. Consistency with fonts, and more details on Skills section would be a plus.


    I like this resume because I think it is very sophisticated and professional.

    Although, this is a resume for pilots, I think this format is easy to read, instead of just one color one.
    I think this one is very organized.

  16. 1.

    This resume is a good example, because it is well organized and easy to read. Also, it provides good description of each job


    This resume seems unorganized. Structure of this resume is hard to read and recognize.


    This resume shows the worst example. First, italic fonts are not good for resume. Second, the resume itself doesn't have all the things that are required. Finally, the structure of resume is hard to read or find the information. Resume should be simple, consise, and be able to recognize but this resume is too long and too much things to read.


    I liked this resume because it looks clear and one can find all the information of this person’s job experience chronologically. It gives a clear idea of the duration of jobs this person had. The information is detailed within the jobs about what he did.

    I liked this resume because this person has specifically explained the achieved result by percentage about what he achieved when he was in the job. The resume is also very clear and simple.

    I didn’t like the resume because this resume has too many bullet points and the font size of the subheadings is similar to the font size of the headings. It creates confusion for the reader.
