Wednesday, February 16, 2011

JunSup Lee- response4

The fact that the price of stock is dropped because of one single mail is very surprising. I could not even think about someone at the company spread it over blog. Even if the mail was sent to many employees, I personally think that it should be kept within the company. If the email writes same information with proper words use and different way of talk, I believe that no one at the company posted online. If the chief executive wanted to send emails to a lot of employees, he should have been careful word use. Sending email to a lot of employees is like a posting notice on the company’s site. It is definitely hard to teach employees work hard in email with only good words. Instead of scolding and fearing them, he should have listed the way they can improve themselves.

I frequently send emails to instructors, about the homework, attendance and questions. For others, I send general and important questions. I prefer sending email to making a phone call. Since I am international student and not fluent in speaking English, sending email is more convenient and easy to contain all the information. When I write mails I always double check if my messages contain offensive words. Since we can’t judge tone of voice when reading mails, one or two words can make others mad. I newly learned from the passage that it is better not to contain important information or blaming others because there is always possibility that someone post it online. It is better to contain basic purpose of sending email. If I need to give someone important information, it is absolutely best to make a phone call or talk directly. Also, I learned that it is very important not to sending email offensive. Always need to be careful when send emails.

I had once written angry email. It was last year in July. I had to move to another apartment so I contacted moving company. I scheduled to move out on Saturday the day lease ended. On that day, I was waiting for them more than five hours. I called a lot of times but they didn’t get the call. There was no way for me to contact them. At the night, I could reach him by phone. I blamed them about breach of contract. However, they just mentioned that their truck was down and were not able to come so I blamed them about not picking up the phone. The conversation did not go well. They almost tried to blame me back. Therefore, I shouted them and they finally admit their fault. After talking by phone, there is no way for me to get compensation. Therefore, I had to have ways to relieve my stress and rage. I emailed them as furious as possible just not writing swear words. They did not say sorry back to me but I thought I could do as best as I can. Now after reading these articles, I understand that I did wrong.

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