Monday, April 11, 2011

Mohammed Zulkernine: Response 5

One needs to find right people at the right time to attain success in life. There were many instances in the lives of the inventors of bacon salt where they had thought of an idea that eventually brought millions and millions of dollars to other people who has actually executed the idea. For instance, one of the inventors had thought of making vitamin water, but unfortunately before that plan could ever take place in reality someone else had already thought of that idea and sold the vitamin water plan to coke. In this case (bacon salt), luck favored them. Dave (one of the inventor of bacon salt) submitted the video that he taped with his son playing outside to the America’s funniest home video and obtained five thousand dollars from it. They used that money to make all the ingredients and raw materials required to make the bacon salt. Also the usage of internet helped them a lot. They advertised about their product on internet and micro blogging sites such as face book, MySpace and the news spread quickly and created a buzz in the society. Within a very short span of four and a half months they managed to sell a lot of bottles of bacon salt to many parts of the world also outside of United States. Moreover, all the information that they required in order to make the product was provided to them by the Google search engine in the internet. If they had not used the internet as a medium to advertise their product or the money they obtained from uploading the video, it would have been extremely difficult for them to spread Bacon Salt to the household of people.

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