Monday, April 18, 2011

[Deliverable Two] Yu Gu & Suizi Xiao

DNA Tribes Genetic Ancestry Analysis is a service that uses genetic material inherited from both maternal and paternal ancestors to measure a person’s genetic connections to individual ethnic groups and major world regions. Top ranked results indicate places where a person blend of ancestry is most frequent and where her/his genetic ancestors left the strongest traces.

The paternal ancestor analysis is based on the Y-chromosome DNA test. The Y chromosome consortium has established a system of defining Y-DNA haplogroups by letters A through to T, with further subdivisions using numbers and lower case letters. A human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by differences in human mitochondrial DNA. Haplogroups are used to represent the major branch points on the mitochondrial phylogenetic tree. Understanding the evolutionary path of the female lineage has helped population geneticists trace the matrilineal inheritance of modern humans back to human origins in Africa and the subsequent spread across the globe.

Our company would provide both Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA tests, and membership to provide further information relevant to genetic knowledge, updates, and activities. In addition our website would include forums for both members and visitors.

Although DNA Tribes Analysis is very common in North America and Europe, it is not well known in China, so that we are going to develop a brand new market in this field. Our head quarter would locate in Beijing, China. However, we are open to every person requested our services on-line. Generally, highly educated people and men are more likely to consume the services. The costumers tend to be history funs also. Historically, the northern Chinese and the people of southern provinces of Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan have a culture, which emphasis ancestor and historical background. These places would be our main targeted markets. To attract their attentions, we would try to provide the connections between our costumers’ ancestry information and historical events/figures. One thing that becomes a new upsurge among Chinese young people is called “Chrono Cross”. We can take fully advantages of people’s curiosity and this recent phenomenon, and help young people to get close to their imaginary ancient times.

There is one more problem that we may only catch window shoppers’ attention at fist. Since Chinese people are relatively conservative and lack of exploring spirit, they might be hesitate to firsthand experience this DNA test. For this reason, we need to provide many certifications, such like of safety guaranty. Meanwhile, people who subconsciously believe this test would cost a lot of money. Actually, it’s only about one thousand RMB for each consumer, while the one could share the result with all other family numbers; it’ absolutely above the money’s worth.

To let the potential customers aware of our product, we would try to find a related TV program (such like Discovery Channel and Documentary Channel), provide sponsorship, and put advertisings during the show. One of the popular TV program is called “Approach the Science”; it focuses on such kind of new creative technique. We are thinking about cooperation with it, and to reach the win-win objective for both. Beijing as the cultural capital of China, there are many national treasured museums, which would definitely assemble most travelers around the China. People who visit there may also interest in history and ancient culture. Therefore, we could reveal our company’s paradigm there as a vehicle of propaganda. It could also offer professional credibility for our service as well. On the other hand, we would try to put advertisings and in formations on (similar to Facebook), the most popular Chinese social media among students and college graduates. We may need to pay about 20,000 yuan at the first quarter of a year. As long as we could stimulate the masses’ enthusiasm, it won’t cost much at later stages.

The human genetic science is developing in a very fast pace. We expect there would be major foundlings about how personal DNA affects one’s health, expectance of life, even personality or job performance. New services will be added according to new development in the genetic field. To sum up, we believe our DNA Tribes Genetic Ancestry Analysis can create a new profitable market, and help people gain knowledge in many kinds of academic fields.

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