Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Deliverable 1: Annotated Bibliography

Begin working with your teams on the annotated bibliography. It will be due next Monday at midnight. Here's a description:

The annotated bibliography is a standard research tool for cataloguing sources that are useful for a given project, and for describing or evaluating the usefulness of those sources. Because your projects deal with the difficulties of authoring reports, memos, and other documents during natural disasters, and at great distances, you should find sources that deal with crisis management and communication, collaborative writing software (like Google Docs), and anything else pertinent to the scenario you are working under.

It may be helpful at this point to pick a specific crisis that you want to model your scenario after (the midwest floods, Hurricane Katrina, etc.) in order to steer your research, but you will be describing your own disaster scenario more specifically in a later assignment.

(The Gulf oil spill, while not a 100% "natural" disaster, would certainly be a valid choice for this project, and there will certainly be a wealth of information about it online.)

You should find at least fifteen sources, and your final bibliography (with annotations) should run at least 1000 words (if not more). It is not necessary that you use a particular citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago) but your citations should be clear and consistent.

Here are two sites with explanations and examples of what an annotated bibliography is:

Purdue's Owl

Cornell Library

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